About LUMi
By helping people connect we build stronger communities

Shining a light on all the great things happening in our communities
Living and working in Norwich we are surrounded by great skills and resources. Access to both can make quite a difference to a group. Not only does it get easier to deliver activities, but groups can save money that can be better spent elsewhere.
LUMi unlocks access to the amazing skills in Norwich and gives you the chance to connect, share, and get involved.
Brought to you by Norwich City Council
We’re keen that LUMi belongs to the City and the site works for you, after all everything you see on this site is run by the Norwich community.
If you think there is a way that we can improve LUMi, drop us an email on lumi@norwich.gov.uk or contact us via our website.
What can you do with LUMi?
We know how incredible our communities are. But we wanted to make it easier to connect, share, get involved and build stronger communities. That’s without mention the fantastic range of activities on offer!
So to help we developed LUMi to promote community life. With LUMi you can now easily search, borrow, share, or just do.
Get involved
To share or borrow you need to be registered.Individual members can share community activities or skills. It’s free, simple and quick to do.
As well as sharing activities and skills, organisations can also share space and stuff. Registering as an organisation improves your visibility. Upload logos, flyers and links for maximum exposure, and it’s still completely free!