Walking Football - GOALS
A friendly and inclusive walking football session for those aged 50+
- Organisation: Age UK Norwich
- Age group: 60 plus
- 5 ways to wellbeing: Connect, Be active
- Cost: 5
- Availability: The first and third Wednesday of every month
- Time: 12.30-1.30pm
- How to join: Booking required
- Location: Goals Football, Hall Road, Norwich, NR1 2GB
***Please note this group is for aged 50+, not just 60+***
Walking football is based on traditional football, although it is a different sport with its own rules. It is non-contact, played at walking pace and no balls are allowed above head height. Walking football is equally exciting to both watch and play as traditional football.
Our fun, friendly, informal sessions are open to all. We would especially like to welcome people who might not have engaged in physical activity for a while, as well as those who have an injury, disability or long-term illness, such as dementia. We also welcome carers, friends and family who might like to socialise with others whilst their loved one plays football.
Join the team afterwards for a friendly chat in the bar onsite.
We also run another Walking Football group at the Arena. For more information, please contact the Age UK Norwich Clubs & Trips Team:
Email: clubsandtrips@ageuknorwich.org.uk
Phone: 01603 496 333